Our Community
Supporting causes that impact our communities
Since 2013, Ironform has contributed 1% of our profits to fight hunger and other worthy causes.
Community Support 2022-23

Hope 4 the Heart, Hayward, CA
Hope 4 the Heart is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that feeds anyone and everyone in need. Hope 4 the Heart believes a healthy community is produced by healthy families. It pursues that mission every day by feeding more than 16,000 individuals monthly.

Beans and Rice, Inc., Virginia
Beans and Rice, Inc. improves the economic well-being of low-to-moderate income families through hunger relief, after-school programs that improve educational opportunity for at-risk children, job creation for low-to-moderate income families, and savings programs that help families buy their first home and children save for education.

L-LIFE Food Pantry (Lebanon-Laclede Interagency on Food and Enrichment), Missouri
On average, L-LIFE provides 1,800 people a month with fresh produce, canned food, and meats, serving those who do not qualify for government assistance but are unable to feed themselves or their families.

W.A.R.M. (Wise Area Relief Mission), Texas
W.A.R.M. is the largest food pantry in Wise County, providing residents in need with a box of food once every 30 days, including fresh produce, canned foods, and meats.

Denton Community Food Center (DCFC), Texas
Serving 21 communities in Northern Denton County, the center’s mission is to distribute food from a central community storehouse to needy families and individuals struggling with hunger insecurity.

Feeding Southwest Virginia
Together with partner agencies — including nonprofit food pantries, child feeding programs, soup kitchens, and elder care facilities — Feeding Southwest Virginia provides food to over 100,000 people in 26 counties every month.

Greater Chehalis Food Bank, Washington
The Greater Chehalis Food Bank is currently helping to feed between 300 and 350 area households by providing monthly packages of grocery staples.

Women’s Resource Center (WRC) of the New River Valley, Virginia
Inspired by employees at our Dublin facility who organized donation drives for families in the WRC program, Ironform has committed an annual donation to help WRC provide aid to victims of domestic and sexual abuse.